Energy Savings Solutions

Costly energy losses are hiding around every corner in an industrial facility. At the loading dock, inefficient exterior doors, trailer door hinge gaps, and dock leveler gaps let valuable energy escape. These gaps combine to create significant openings, that left un-sealed, cost money through increased energy consumption. Further inside the facility, excessive energy is consumed by an abundance of ineffective floor and ceiling fans. Reducing the number of fans while improving the effectiveness of air movement can have a major impact on heating and cooling costs. Finally, if cold storage is part of the facility, inefficient freezer openings are a major drain on energy use. An energy audit by a material handling expert can identify a wide range of options and possibilities in your plant or facility.

At the loading dock sealing the small gaps and an exposed leveler pit could mean a potential annual energy savings of $400-$5,000 per dock position.

Proper exterior doors with effective seals and cycle time speeds could save $400-$7,000 per opening.

Effective interior air movement has a huge impact on heating and cooling, especially in a large facility. Potential annual energy savings could be 20-30%.

Freezer/Cooler doors that don’t require extensive steps or equipment to eliminate frost and minimize air leakage could save $5,000-$18,000 per opening.

All Rite-Hite representatives are trained to look for a wide variety of energy-related issues at the loading dock and inside the facility. You’ll learn through an on-site assessment how much energy is escaping at the dock as well as ideas for potential savings there and inside your facility.