Control up to 18 fans from a single location with Rite-Hite’s Fan-Commander.
The optional Fan-Commander®, for the Revolution or Renegade HVLS Fans, is a touch screen control station that allows for operation of up to 18 Rite-Hite fans from a central location. Divided into three zones, the Fan-Commander allows for turning fans on/off, adjusting the fans’ speeds, and setting up schedules for independent fans or an entire zone. With an optional Ethernet port, you can access the Fan-Commander over a network or via a remote device.
- Control fan operation based on temperature within a facility.
- Password protection prevents unauthorized adjustment of settings.
- Internal battery retains custom settings in the event of a power failure.
- Troubleshooting of all fans from a single location.
- Each fan can be identified by specific location for accurate control.
- Schedule fans only when needed in order to save energy and reduce costs.

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