SpanGuard Mesh

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SpanGuard Mesh

Separation means protection in your plant

Your plant can be a dangerous place. When it comes to protection, a yellow line painted on the floor just doesn't cut it.

The SpanGuard Mesh® is designed to separate and define work areas, walkways and other areas that might require drop-off protection.

Excellent visibility

  • Stops up to 5000 lbs. (2273 kg). Consult SpanGuard BLAST Impact Rating Chart for complete weight and speed ratings.
  • 36" (915 mm) curtain height
  • 48" (1220 mm) off floor

  • Minimal deflection
  • Clean, aesthetic appearance

Up to 60' (18300 mm) clear span

  • 30' (9150 mm) and 60' (18300) units
  • Easy to install and relocate
  • Four anchors per post

Flexible design

  • Easy to operate
  • Multiple configurations
  • Allows for easy accessibility

*Consult The Science of Safety white paper for a complete explanation of the information contained within this chart.



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In-Plant Safety Barriers


Available in steel, fabric or PVC, Rite-Hite’s warehouse guard rails offer flexibility and safety for dozens of applications within a facility while providing protection for employees, products and equipment. Rite-Hite’s In-Plant Safety Barriers minimize workplace accidents with clearly defined separation zones that still allow access when necessary. These solutions are flexible and can easily be designed to fit the needs of your warehouse. Learn more about warehouse guard rail and safety barrier options and how you can improve the overall safety of your warehouse. In-Plant Safety BarriersLocate a Rep { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "contentUrl": "", "duration": "T2M36S", "uploadDate": "2015-11-13", "thumbnailUrl": "", "description": "Available in steel, fabric or PVC, Rite-Hite’s warehouse guard rails offer flexibility and safety for dozens of applications within a facility while providing protection for employees, products and equipment.", "name": "In-Plant Safety Barriers" }

Industrial Safety Barriers


Industrial facilities, storage warehouses and distribution centers can be dangerous places. Safety challenges exist around every corner, from forklifts zipping around workers and materials, to hazardous machining processes that need to be guarded. Safety barriers are typically used to separate workers and pedestrians from potentially hazardous operations or dangerous situations. They play an important role in helping facilities operate safely and efficiently.  Our barriers are impact rated Rite-Hite safety barriers are Barrier Load and Speed Tested (BLAST) and given an impact rating to help match a barrier to each application environment. The chart below is an example of a BLAST rating. It categorizes an impact for a particular barrier into three levels based on energy absorption at various weights and speeds.   By subjecting our safety barriers to controlled, repeatable testing, we can offer sound science to back up the solutions we offer. Read more about The Science of Safety in this whitepaper.  We are here to help you find the right barrier for your space! Rite-Hite’s full line of safety barriers can help protect: Loading docks Work zones and walkways on the plant floor Sensitive equipment and facility structures Blind corners and busy intersections Mezzanines and elevated work levels We have experts ready to help. Contact us today! Locate a RepContact Us