Barrier Glider Cold Storage Door
From the first day you install it, the Barrier® Glider cold storage door from Rite-Hite will start saving you money. It’s tough to beat the speed, the seal, the durability and the enhanced insulation value. From day one, you’ll be impressed with the Barrier Glider’s outstanding speed, providing immediate full height access. Its industry leading seal provides the most energy efficient way to isolate your freezer from warm air. Plus, it’s dramatic ability to bounce back from a direct collision and start working again in seconds.
The Barrier Glider helps reduce warm air infiltration, minimize ice and frost build up and product thawing. It is extremely energy efficient with the Thermal-Flex Sealing System preventing air migration and the Iso-Tek panel material delivers R-10 insulation protection. Locate one of our Rite-Hite Representatives today to learn more about the Barrier Glider and how it impacts your warehouse and saves you money on energy costs!
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