Episode 25: Robotics and Automated Machine Safety

Interested in learning more about your industry’s latest trends and innovations? Tune into Episode 25 of Rite-Hite’s podcast series, Rite From the Source.

This episode features Jeff Bowser, Machine Guarding Regional Sales Manager. Jeff has more than 20 years of experience working in the robotics and machine guarding industry and has a lot of great information to share. In this episode, Jeff discusses how the increased use of robotics in a variety of industries is changing how plant managers address safety and how facilities of the future are implementing new safety measures with collaborative robots.

In this episode, you will learn about:

  • The reason behind the significant rise in the use of robotics especially in the material handling industry and the impact it has on productivity, the workforce and safety protocols.
  • The specific safety regulations that are applicable to worker/robot interactions.
  • Common safety practices that are implanted by safety managers who deal with robotic operations.
  • The use of collaborative robots (co-bots) as the wave of the future and which safety regulations apply in these newer kinds of applications.

Rite from the Source Podcast  Rite from the Source Podcast   

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