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- HVLS Fans ROI: How Quickly Will an HVLS Fan Pay for Itself?
HVLS Fans ROI: How Quickly Will an HVLS Fan Pay for Itself?
Did you know that energy costs for a facility can consume more than 10 percent of their total revenue, with most of that energy usage coming from heating, cooling or lighting? HVLS fans can help you conserve energy year-round and save money with a typical payback period of 6 months to 2 years.
Save Year-Round with HVLS Fans
Stay Cool and Save in the Summer
Just one HVLS fan can replace up to 20 inefficient floor fans. Not only does this save on operating costs but it also helps eliminate tripping hazards, clutter and unnecessary noise.
They also help facilities who use air conditioning by:
- Reducing energy consumption from air conditioning up to 20% in the hot, summer months
- Improving comfort of employees, which helps increase worker productivity and improve employee retention
- Conserving energy, allowing the facility to maximize its thermostat set point by as much as 4°F (2°C) without a noticeable change in comfort--this is offset by the HVLS fan’s cool breeze!
- Providing up to 15°F degree cooling sensation for buildings with or without conditioned air
Conserve with HVLS Fans in the Winter
In the cooler months the floor-to-ceiling temperature difference can be as much as 20 degrees, with warmer air gathering at the ceiling and cooler air falling to the floor. HVLS fans set at low speeds help redirect warm air from the ceiling to the ground level where it's needed. This process is called destratification and can reduce energy costs by up to 30%!

There are additional benefits to using HVLS fans year-round, even in the winter:
HVLS fans remove stagnant air by circulating air efficiently throughout the facility
- HVLS fans help prevent sweaty slab syndrome which occurs when condensation accumulates on concrete floors
- Better circulation improves air quality and helps prevent irritants in the air, like dust, pollen, and chemical fumes, from building up
- Temperature control helps prevent goods from spoiling or waste
- HVLS fans deter birds and other pests where doors open and close frequently
HVLS Fans Make HVAC Systems More Efficient
While HVLS fans can certainly have a positive impact on your facility’s heating and cooling needs as a stand-alone solution, they also fit in seamlessly alongside other HVAC solutions you may have already implemented.
Did you know that around 27% of energy consumption for large commercial buildings is used for heating and cooling? If the HVAC system you have in place is inefficient, you’re throwing away even more money.
The low cost to power an HVLS fan paired with their propensity to make other systems more efficient (reducing the effective temperature by 10-15°F) make adding an HVLS fan a simple decision.
Making the Case for HVLS Fans: ROI Calculations
We’ve explained to you exactly how an HVLS fan saves you money, but how long will it take for one of our fans to cover its own cost?
Although there are many variables at play including the size of your facility, climate, and other heating and cooling solutions you have implemented, we have calculated that our HVLS fans save our customers about 4 percent on their electric bill for every degree they lower a building’s effective temperature in the summer.
Winter energy savings can reduce heating bills by up to 30 percent!
With all this taken into account, it's possible that your HVLS fan will pay for itself in less than a year.
Schedule Your Customized Assessment
Too many fans or fans that are too big will lower your ROI. Not enough fans, improper placement, and fans that are too small will underperform and not circulate air properly.
Let us help you with a FREE airflow assessment for your facility. This assessment will help you uncover opportunities to improve ventilation, reduce energy consumption and identify an optimal fan configuration with:
- The right number of fans
- The right size of each fan
- The right type of fan
We have experts ready to help! Contact us today.
Schedule Free Airflow Assessment
Related Links
Follow these links to learn more about Rite-Hite HVLS Fans: