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- Protect Employees from Exposure to Outside Sources
Protect Employees from Exposure to Outside Sources
As the world rushes to address the challenges and concerns faced by everyone due to COVID-19, many manufacturers are working to ensure separation of employees from outside sources, such as truck drivers. This approach shows concern for everyone from the drivers to the shipping and receiving employees to those employees operating the loading docks.
Large companies in the United States are already in the process of installing isolation rooms at their shipping and receiving areas. With the requirement of fast installation, many are turning to Clean Build Systems, like the ones offered by PortaFab. Modular building systems have been around for years and are commonly found in industrial facilities and plants as office space, lunch/break rooms, conference rooms, inspection rooms and more. And, there are proven modular cleanroom systems in use in medical environments around the country.
Now, with the urgent need to keep our medical facilities and essential businesses supplied we need to secure the supply chain by creating separation between critical employees. Arbon Equipment, a Rite-Hite company, is currently helping companies install isolation rooms utilizing negative air pressure. Doing everything you can to separate people and help encourage “social distancing” while still running your essential business, is a reality of our world today. Longterm, taking action to isolate functions that bring outside people into your environment is a good business decision. Benefits of modular buildings include:
- Fast & Easy Installation
- Easy to Clean
- Versatile & Easy to Configure
- Dustless, Clean Installation
As a longtime distributor of in-plant offices, Arbon Representatives bring their extensive experience with modular buildings to companies in need. You know Arbon as your source for loading dock and industrial door service, repair and maintenance as well as your source for Rite-Hite products and solutions at the loading dock and inside the plant. When time is of the essence, it is important to work with people who understand your business and have experience with the products you need.

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